Walmart Updates its Ad Platform

Ad platform update from George Tarnopolsky, VP, Programmatic: Walmart is leveraging its scale and advertising ambitions to launch a new platform competitive with Amazon, Google, and Facebook. In a new development, Walmart Media Group is adding a new set of metrics to its Walmart Ad Center. The new Walmart reporting suite ties online advertising with customer behavior, and shows how online ads drive online and ecommerce sales. While the applications of Walmart Ad Center are limited to OTC brands, this announcement is exciting for several reasons:

  • The emergence of new options for marketers

  • Increased emphasis on measurement that goes past front-end metrics like reach and clickthrough rate. In healthcare, measurement like script lift is essential in order to better illustrate ROAS of ad campaigns

  • The synthesis of front-end ad campaign metrics (impressions, clicks, reach) with consumer behavior metrics (online and in-store purchases)--all in a single dashboard.

We will watch Walmart's developments closely. Healthcare marketers will benefit from similar developments in healthcare programmatic platforms and offerings. This type of union of online and offline metrics in a single platform will create for better ad campaigns and drive better return on advertising spend.

(Source: CMI/Compas "The Scoop" eNewsletter)